Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our Completed Entryway!

The entryway makeover was a project Marco and I began last November. We started with painting the walls, moved on to sanding, staining and varnishing the wood flood and finished with painting the trim and doors. Initially Marco guessed the whole process would take nine days...four months later we are finished. To give us credit, we took the project on in steps, doing a little bit at a time. The final step was giving the small room character. Marco wanted to decorate it like an old general store. My grandpa Ken used to own a grocery store in Dassel, and we have a framed Advertisment from Ken's Food Market - that went on the wall. We added some great antique items my mom collected over the years and some glass jars of dried beans, rice and lentils.


  1. I am so impressed! It looks wonderful. Great job and I'm eager to see it first-hand very soon!

  2. you guys did a great job! Love it!
