Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A New, Old Tractor Shed

Marco has put a lot of time and effort into transforming the tractor shed into his new workspace. After the initial cleaning out, he went to work bringing all the tools (scattered between the shed, garage and basement) to one place, organizing them and finding a home for them in the shed. Marco has an amazing ability to clean and organize and it is a quality I envy.
I told Marco he made my Grandpa Pete proud, bringing new life to the tractor shed. This is a tractor shed used by my grandpa, my dad and now my husband; and it is still a hugely important asset to our farm.
Yesterday we hauled our crib into the shed to give it a coat of varnish to preserve the paint once baby begins using it. We've even had the new shed cristened by Claribel (mama goat) and Rosemary (baby goat), as they curiously wandered through the shed, quickly discovering the rubbermaid container of chicken feed. We were able to scoot them out before they did too much damage.


  1. I'm trying to figure out what direction I'm looking at here. Where's the window and door? I think the stove is where the old one use to sit. Am I right? Can't believe it's the same building!

  2. okay Shari, when was that picture taken? You don't even look pregnant! Have you gained any weight this pregnancy? !?!?!?!?!? You are such a rock star in those glasses! Love them
