Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Moving an Enormous Hay Bale

Recently Marco and I bought two large, round hay bales for our animals. The hay bales were on our driveway and we had to figure out a way to get them into the barn corral. We have a trailer and a tractor and I knew Marco would put together a great idea. We put a lead pipe through the bale and hooked up adjustable straps to each end. The other end of the straps we connected to the back of the trailer. Then we slowly tightened each of the straps, moving the bale slowly onto the trailer. Although it was a time consuming method, it worked perfectly and soon the bale was on the trailer. Marco drove it into the corral and set it down for the animals to enjoy.


  1. So cool....I would never have thought of doing that!

  2. Plato said.... Necessity is the mother of invention. What innovative farmers you are! Need something done? Put on your thinking cap. I love it!
